i'd like to first thank pandacookie, whose suggestion of using vitasoy peppermint chocolate soymilk to make ice cream during warm weather months has haunted me since january. i never got around to making it during the summer, but it hit the spot on this beautifully sunny first of october.
paula provided not only inspiration (it was one or both of us who decided that the addition of candy cane joe-joes was essential) but also constant reminding that this simply HAD to happen.
also, i don't know agnes but it was a recipe from her vegan ice cream paradise that i used to whip this up today.
making ice cream without an electric ice cream maker was simple as can be, required very little kitchen time, and resulted one of the tastiest vegan ice creams i've ever had. it was a little crystal-y, only because i had to leave to meet friends for dinner instead of staying home, dutifully blending.
i've been a little on the fence about winter's impending arrival, but this little enterprise helped me turn a corner today and i'm now looking forward to all the season brings. i love cooking in the colder months and really want to up my culinary ante. i hope that this month's challenge will get me geared up and inspired to be more creative and daring in the kitchen, even as i continue to learn about cooking's fundamentals.
i can't wait to see what other veganmofos have in store!

(recipe heavily adapted from here!)
3 c vitasoy chocolate peppermint soymilk
2 T arrowroot powder
1 c crushed candy cane joe-joes
set soymilk to boil, reserving a bit to mix with the arrowroot. (agnes says 1/4 cup. i didn't bother measuring...)
thoroughly mix the reserved soymilk and arrowroot.
when the soymilk comes to a boil, remove it from the heat and add the arrowroot slurry. it should start to thicken a little, noticeable by the way it coats a spoon. (it won't get thick, though. just thicker.)
since i don't have an ice cream maker, here's the freezing method i used:
after your soymilk & arrowroot are mixed, pour the mixture into an 8x8 pyrex dish. (i'd put mine in the freezer a little earlier, so it was already frosty.) place the dish in the freezer.
every half hour or so, remove the mixture and mix it up to prevent it from freezing solid. i used a fork and an immersion blender, but i guess you can also run it through a food processor or just fork it.
when the ice cream is starting to set sufficiently, after a couple of hours, mix in the crushed cookies.
I can see I'm going to have to seriously stock up on flavored soymilks this winter. I didn't even think of using them in ice cream.
I know there's no good way to get ice cream from washington heights to queens, but it would be really cool if there was. ::invents ice cream teleport::
What a fantastic idea! Mint chocolate is my favorite dessert flavor combination. Unfortunately, my cartons of Vitasoy chocolate peppermint soy milk and my boxes of Candy Cane Joe-Joe's never last long after they are open. ;) If I'm able to exercise some restraint, I'll give this recipe a try!
Wow you bitch.
Wow, so simple...
Let's run away to California and get married. Instead of babies we'll have chocolate peppermint soymilk by the dozen.
wow isa posts on your blog, you're going places!
Amazing! I'm intimidated by the prospect of making my own ice cream, but your recipe sounds so harmless and easy. I'm going to bookmark this. Thanks!
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