apparently it snowed once in (ancient) recent history, sometime in the '70s. mr. herndon, my 5th-grade teacher, told our class about the blizzard and how the snow settled on one of his students' afros and stuck there longer than it did on the ground.
it's practically a guarantee that christmas day is going to be sunny and warm every year.
so now that i'm an adult and living in the northeast, i find myself trying to make up for lost time by doing and eating all the cold-weathery stuff my family never did. tonight i roasted chestnuts. they're easy enough to prepare, but shelling can be kind of a hassle. i don't know, maybe i should have let them roast a little longer? does that make it easier to pry the meat loose?
they were pretty tasty on their own, kind of rutabaga-y in flavor. they definitely had a baked potato thing going on, so i opted to toss them in melted EB and a little salt. they were pretty good that way, but i think i preferred them plainly roasted.
How long did you roast them for? They're a pain to shell no matter what but rutabaga sounds wrong. If you wring them in a kitchen towel then smush them together it loosens the skins and then you can nibble away a but more freely.
i don't know, they were in there for a while and then i took them out. you know how it goes sometimes.
but they didn't taste wrong! they were really good, though i'm sure they could have stood for a bit more roasting.
if you boil them in water for 20 minutes after cutting a cross in the shell, peeling them is a breeze. just keep them wrapped in a towel while you're busy shelling the others so that they remain warm thus easier to peel.
Mmmm, they look like little embryos, or characters from a Tool video.
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